This week I'm living with a high-tech peacock and a super-hero Raven. Adding to our fun, our friend Robert (age 11) is here visiting and it's so wonderful to have games, special meals, play, play, play and today we're off to see Where the Wild Things Are together with dear Mary from around the corner.
We still have our full holiday decor up, and Grandma and Grandpa are coming today for a New Years celebration complete with fresh crab, a homemade angel food cake with a chocolate glaze and a redwood hike. Then we are going monastic. Seriously. the hardest part. For Annie anyway. She's been counting down for the big day since around October and now it's down to "I go to sleep tonight, then go to sleep tomorrow night, then it's Christmas Eve day!" She seems distracted, hardly eats and barely wants to leave the house because she might miss something. So to keep her busy and hopefully, exhasted, I moved her new stereo (thanks Mary!) into the dining room, pushed the table into the corner and created a "dance floor." I can hear her now, above me, dancing and rockin' out!
Ugh It's been too long since my last confession! I'm wondering if the addition of a small business to my life has completely gobbled up my energy and time for blogging? Or maybe it's just that we're in the holiday season + Bill was out of town on business + running a small business that kept me away? Hmmmm. I guess time will tell.
I really love December, Solstice, Christmas, Hanukkah, and New Years. I also love balance, so it takes a lot of thoughtfulness on my part to make December a month of joy, not one of obligation and overwhelm. We've already taken a few things off the calender, and even opted out of plans at the last minute two or three times, once choosing a long bubble bath instead, once a walk in the redwoods, once reading in bed, and more than once, impromptu hot chocolate parties for two.
The photo below of Annie and the two dogs became our holiday card this year and I am so happy with it. Click on it to see see it more clearly if you'd like. I'm also having fun taking pictures of Harpo. What a poser! The top photo is super clear and darling. Again, click for the larger view, and to see each hair on her head.
Here's hoping you are all taking care of yourselves during this season of warmth.
I was born on April 1st in Berkeley, California. I'm enjoying a life full of satisfaction and challenge alongside my dear friend and partner, Bill, and our almost twelve year-old daughter, Annie. We have a great house and garden that we share with two dogs, nine canaries, and three fire bellied toads. We are choosing a path of living that holds everyone's needs as precious and equal. We're loving an unschooling approach to education for Annie and ourselves. We're trying to live a life with the least amount of negative impact to the enviornment. One way we're doing that is we're really trying to be mindful about what we buy, how we travel, and how we care for ourselves. I will post my ideas, challenges, and celebrations for doing so on this blog. I would love to hear any of yours too!