Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Obama Doodle

I read tonight that the Obama's are looking into hypoallergenic breeds, including Doodles (which aren't really a breed I guess. A hybrid maybe?) to join them in the White House! How exciting! I guess his youngest Sasha is allergic to fur. A GoldenDoodle is said to be the breed of choice for Malia Obama, and most Doodles have non-shedding hair not fur. President elect Barack Obama was quoted as saying he wanted to get a dog from a shelter. Either way, both directions make a perfect metaphor for this new first family. Blending beautiful (although over bred) breeds to make a superior new one, and finding a dog that needs a home and giving it one.

I already know the joys of the Doodle and a rescue. Jasper is an Aussie Doodle. He was between 3-6 months when we got him through a rescue in Sacramento and I've been in love with him from the moment I saw his picture on-line.
I've narrowed the breeders down, using the Internet, that might have bred Jasper, and they had posted pictures of a litter of puppies, and I can't help but wondering if he was from them. The markings are almost exact.


Anonymous said...

He is a prize. And good with children. Most of all, he loves his constituency....the world. He is a show stopper.

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

He really is cute.

Garden State Kate said...

How sweet!P can't wait to see what they choose...she is very excited for his Presidency to begin.