Monday, August 31, 2009

I Just Want to Eat the Muffins-A Comic Strip By Annie

There's a great little comic-strip-making site called Make Beliefs Comix. It is super fun and easy. Annie has been making up simple comics about us, that crack Bill and I up. I guess it's so funny because she's expressing so much of our concerns and silly aspects of our lives. Here's one she did a little earlier tonight. (It reads better as a horizontal strip, but I stacked it because it becomes so small it's illegible.) Can you tell who is who?


Pat said...

That is so funny. Nothing like having "out of the mouths of babes" in your own home. Your very own truth telling mirror. I don't know if I would want it but it is funny.

Kristin said...

I'll definately look that site up for Cecil. What a great idea and yes, I figured out who was who and it was funny.

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

That's great and funny too!

Project Pink Suitcase said...

This is so funny!