Friday, December 22, 2006

Gingerbread Woman

I love the shape of this gingerbread woman. She is so thick-waisted and capable looking isn't she? I used the Gingerbread Man Cookie recipe from Joy of Cooking but I don't know if I'd use it again. The flavor doesn't have that intense zing! that I really love. This recipe turned out slightly-mild and soft-cookie-like. Plus it was hard to re-roll the extra dough after each cutting. Maybe I should have found a recipe for Gingerbread Woman Cookies instead. Aside from that, Annie and Chloe loved the whole process. Rolling, cutting, and eating the dough, and then decorating. They both made a highly decorated cookie to leave out for Santa for Christmas Eve.


Anonymous said...

That IS a great cookie cutter! She's very charming!...If you go to there's a tasty recipe for Eileen's Gingerbread Men that's really yummy and I find the dough easy to work with! I think it has the perfect amount of spices! I discovered it last year and it's one of my favorite cookie recipes now.

patrice said...

Thanks Julie, I'm going to look over at right now 'cause I love gingerbread and so does Annie! Thanks for commenting!